Harper Roscoe Cars Ltd.
MG TF 1800 (Replica)
The stunningly beautiful car you see is a Harper Roscoe MGTF1800 (car No 2)
A very faithful recreation of one of the prettiest MG's ever made the 1953 TF1500.
Its not a ‘kit car’ and was factory made in 1983 by a company called Arden and Bull Ltd who were British Leyland main dealers (Leyland being the then owners of the MG name after the Abingdon factory was shut down on 24 October 1980).
Two of the directors founded Harper Roscoe Cars Ltd, a company set up solely to manufacture
and market an accurate reproduction of the iconic 1950s TF, based on the then modern
MGB mechanical components. The funding came via America and the Noble car group.
The the body moulds were taken from a 1956 TF in the USA by the Victor / Great Lakes Motors operation outside Rochester NY.
Bodies were fitted to Harpers own steel ladder chassis, utilising the MGB font cross member together with all MGB engines, suspension, steering, braking and drive train.
What emerged was a dimensionally perfect copy of the 53 TF with bullet proof mechanicals and rust free bodywork. It even uses the original TF radiator surround, hood frame and windscreen.
The cars were reputedly permitted to be badged and sold as MG cars by Leyland, as they were substantially constructed with original MG parts.
They were exhibited at the 1983 Earls Court Motor show and advertised as a car to rival the Morgan. The salesman reputedly walking up and over the wings and bonnet of the car to demonstrate its robust build quality and durability.
Top speed: 106 mph.
0 - 60 mph: 12 seconds.
Fuel consumption: 22 - 28 mpg.
4 speed gearbox with optional overdrive.
Purchase price was £12000 (the average family car was then £5500 and a new Morgan £12500)
The company produced a total of just four cars over a short period until the funding was withdrawn and the company ceased trading.
Although the cars were made from all new body panels and chassis and with new stock parts, the engines were reconditioned. The DVLA would not therefore allow them to be registered as ‘new’ and required all vehicle to be allocated "Q"plates.
Q224 GBU was the first car made. Q502GBU the second and Q604GBU the third. The forth car has yet to be identified.
The cars are fun to drive with good performance, excellent road holding and featuring creature comforts such as an efficient heater and weather proofing.
The car gives you all the looks and curb appeal of the 1950’s TF, but with added power and with the excellent parts availability of the MGB.
If you read this and have, or know someone who has a Harper Roscoe, please let me know as I currently only know of the whereabouts of one of the other 3 cars and would dearly love to put all the owners in touch with one another. T
This would have the makings of one of the world’s most exclusive owners clubs!
‘Singe’ Ager Jan 2016 singeager@yahoo.co.uk
The Car below is car number 2.
The Car below is car number 1
The Car below is car number 3
Where is Car No 4?.